What is data.ok.gov?

data.ok.gov is a service designed to provide Oklahomans with deep access to data and statistics about the activities of Oklahoma’s government. It’s a simple way to explore data about the economy, public health, transportation, the environment, and more, all on one Website.

By posting state government data in raw, machine-readable formats, it can be reformatted, repurposed, and reused in different ways, allowing the community at large to build custom applications in order to analyze and display the information. The centralized, open-format nature of the database allows anyone to create mashups and visualizations, build applications, conduct analysis and perform research.

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checkbook.ok.gov was created as a part of H.B. 1086- the Transparency, Accountability and Innovation in Oklahoma State Government 2.0 Act of 2011. The bill was signed into law May 20, 2011, with the goal of providing Oklahomans with unprecedented access to government.

What kinds of data are available?

Numerous agencies and entities contribute to checkbook.ok.gov. Some examples of available data include:

  • Payroll information for state employees
  • Crime statistics
  • State expenditures on outside vendors
  • High school and university graduation rates
  • Rates of health problems, such as cancer, heart disease and diabetes
  • Lists and maps of state parks
  • Air and water quality assessments

Additional open government resources: